
Heat-Up Furnace Camera

The Heat-Up Furnace Camera is a clever designed system, which allows the user to eliminate the water cooling system
and at the same time reduce his investment requirements and system running costs compared to conventional water cooled furnace camera systems.

Furnace Camera

Furnace Camera

Furnace Camera

Furnace Camera


  • Very good observation of all incidents inside the glass furnace
  • Air cooling instead of water cooling! No risk of water leaks inside the furnace!
  • Very compact system – only 25 mm bore through furnace brick for camera optics! No loss of energy.
  • Reduced risk that cold air can come into the furnace
  • Camera automatically retracts by loss of cooling air or electrical power outage
  • Low operating costs due to simple and reliable design


If you have further question about the product feel free to contact us.

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